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Divine Awakening Package

Divine Awakening Package

Imagine this –


You have started tracking your cycles and have brought awareness to the changes in your energy, emotions, & intuitions. You have become much more in tune with your mystical gifts and have more clarity than ever on what your mission in this lifetime is, as well as what kind of dream life you wish to experience on a daily basis. You feel more empowered & confident than ever about the possibilities for your future, and finally feel ready to take the next steps towards attracting your highest timeline.


Our Divine Awakening package contains the essential teachings, tools, & resources you need to take the first steps towards consciously crafting a lifestyle that honors your feminine flow.


Want to take a look inside? 🤩

  • We cover the basics of spirituality, energy, & the law of attraction, foundational principles to help you realize that you are the divine creator of your own life.

  • We provide key resources to support your journey, including a sacred playlist for your practices, an introduction to gene keys & human design, as well as information on the 5 love languages. This will help you better understand yourself and your path towards your highest timeline.

  • We offer three clarification & visualization exercises to help you get clarity on your soul’s desires, ideal vision, and discovering your inner light. These activities will support you to gain confidence about who you are, what you value, and what’s truly important for you, so you can live in greater alignment and remove & release what no longer serves you.

  • We share details about key habits to implement into your routine, such as meditation, affirmations, creative journaling, vision board, and more. You will notice your reality slowly start to shift as you gradually embody these practices.

  • Finally, we share with you our Divine Feminine Planner, a beautiful menstrual tracking tool that also includes information on goddesses, incantations, self-care practices, and more. This tracker is key for you to start understanding your cycles & living in harmony with the natural wisdom of your sacred body.


This isn't just another offer or package. It is the exact roadmap that will help you go from feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and confused to feeling empowered, aligned, confident, optimistic, and beautiful.


We have spent years & tens of thousands of dollars on our journeys to be able to integrate & create this package for you.


I am soouull excited for you now that you will be able to get more clarity, alignment, & support than ever before to show up in your full power & divine feminine essence.


Cheers & excited to see you on this journey soul sister,

Victoria XoXo

    $111.00 Regular Price
    $88.88Sale Price
    Excluding Sales Tax
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